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Curriculum Overview

"At Hewens Primary, our mission is to provide an outstanding education that ensures all pupils reach their greatest potential and live by life’s highest values."

We have developed our own curriculum, which is comprehensive, where children learn through exploration, has a clear process of learning with specific learning goals for every National Curriculum subject, for personal learning and for international mindedness.

This new curriculum sets out clear progression and application of skills across all areas. We aim to ensure pupils are independently minded and confident British citizens of the future. We expect learning to have context, with rich learning opportunities that link to and build upon previous learning to enable children to develop transferable knowledge and skills. We maximise learning by carefully weaving our curriculum together so that subjects within a theme connect wherever possible.

Our curriculum drives progress through establishing a rigorous knowledge base and a life-long love of learning. We have considered the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are required to achieve academic excellence beyond primary school. The curriculum at Hewens Primary School is grounded in the strongest available evidence about how pupils learn and retain knowledge in the long term – focusing in particular on research from cognitive science.

Finally, we emphasise the importance of the enacted curriculum, where our skilled teachers bring knowledge to life in a way that will be meaningful and exciting for the pupils that they know so well. Ensuring that the impact on the children is great in all subjects, this includes their progress and attainment but also that their cultural capital is developed and the children become successful and internationally minded citizens. Each term, Student Council, teachers, subject leaders and senior leaders plan a calendar of activities to ensure that pupils are given opportunities to infuse their scientific, literacy, numeracy and creative skills by participating in assemblies, debates, quizzes, sporting activities, Spelling Bee, Art, poster, Eisteddfod and Alliance competitions.

6 Rs

We provide an atmosphere which enables our children to acquire a wide range of knowledge, skills and practical abilities.  Whatever your child's ability, we shall meet their needs.  We strive for excellence in all we do.  Our school ethos is built around the 6 Rs of:

Respectful   Responsible   Reflective   Resourceful   Rational Resilient

These 6 Rs are used as a cornerstone in how we deal with all situations at our school and how we reward our children. We believe that by demonstrating the 6 Rs every day, children will become positive members of their school and local community.

Curriculum Enrichment 

Many activities are designed to develop some of the softer social skills such as the ability to concentrate and work quite independently. By contrast, there is also great emphasis placed on the ability to work effectively and cooperatively with others.  Above all else, we aim to provide a stimulating environment, always instilling the importance of patience, persistence and resilience at every stage.

The Primary Aims of our New Curriculum are:

  • To nurture the whole child;
  • To develop knowledge, skills and attitudes as well as an enthusiasm for learning;
  • To deliver a cross curricular approach to learning to make the curriculum come to life;
  • To provide a purposeful curriculum which will improve children’s life skills and experiences;
  • To build resilient, rational, resourceful, respectful, responsible, reflective and independent learners;
  • To work alongside our local community and beyond;
  • To develop awe and wonder and a lifelong love of learning in a range of subjects;
  • To be curious, motivated and excited about coming to school;
  • To adopt fundamental British Values and be responsible citizens with strong moral standards and able to contribute to society;
  • To develop a sense of their own nationality and culture at the same time as developing a profound respect for the nationalities and cultures of others, especially those throughout Modern Britain;
  • To talk about their learning and to know and remember more;
  • To see that making mistakes and taking risks is a good thing;
  • For learning to stick, so that their knowledge can build upon and connect with previous knowledge.

British Values 

The School aims to support all its children in being prepared for life in modern Britain.

The School has a duty to actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

To this end we aim for our pupils to become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and tolerance, regardless of background.

Our school ethos is built around the 6 R’s of:

Respectful Responsible Reflective Resourceful Rational Resilient

These R’s are used as a cornerstone in how we deal with all situations at our school and how we reward our children. We believe that by demonstrating the R’s every day, children will become positive members of their school and local community.


At Hewens Primary School, democracy is a concept that is explored and promoted within our lessons, for example during History and PSHE where children will learn about what democracy is and why it is important. The School Council is a democratically elected, active and thriving group, ensuring pupils have a voice in the School.

The rule of law

Our pupils will encounter rules and laws throughout their lives. We want them to understand that whether these laws govern their lessons, the School, the community or the country, they are set for good reason and they must adhere to them. Visits from authorities such as the Police and Members of Parliament are regular parts of our calendar and help reinforce this message.

Individual liberty

At Hewens Primary School, pupils are actively encouraged to make independent choices, knowing that they are in a safe, secure and supportive environment. As a school, we educate and provide boundaries for pupils to make choices safely, through the provision of a safe environment. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and receive advice about how to exercise these safely, for example through workshops about online safety and road safety.

Mutual respect

The School promotes respect for others and for our surroundings, evidenced by our classroom and school environment. Pupils are taught the importance of listening and constructive debate. Assemblies and PSHE provide opportunities for pupils to understand the importance of mutual respect, and what happens when this is lacking. The School’s Behaviour and Relationships Policy places emphasis on the importance of young people having healthy, respectful relationships with their peers and with adults.

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

The School aims to equip pupils with the ability to understand their place in a culturally diverse society by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity within the School community and beyond. Our curriculum provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures. We celebrate the religious traditions of a range of faiths in school. Trips and visits enhance pupils’ perceptions of the world around them as well as of their local area.

For further information about our curriculum, please see the weekly School News publications, speak to your child's classroom teacher or contact the School directly on 020 8845 6634.